Description: Our focus is to use different multiplication strategies to figure out three digit multiplication questions faster.
Process: At the moment we are focusing on the place value strategy. To start with, our maths group worked together to learn the strategy. Then we had a go by ourselves trying to use the strategy for each problem. We shared our answers back with the group to discuss what the answers were.
Learning: I learnt how to use place value even though I already knew but I had forgotten. Place Value is really easy once you get the hang of it.
WALT: Use place value to solve multiplation
Self Assesment: I did well at explaining & I now know how to use this for other Maths problems.
Buddy Assesment:I think Georgia did an awesome job of explaining how to do the strategy. For further steps I think you can work on planning your work before just going out there and starting. Aroha :P